
Motion #14

Law Reform - 7.5 Displayal of an Offensive Weapons

Law 7.5 is currently:

7.5 Displayal of Offensive Weapons

Any person who display an offensive weapon in a public setting commits an offence.

Felony - liable to 2 years maximum imprisonment, $4,000 maximum fine, and asset forfeiture.

Proposed Change:

7.5 Displayal of Offensive Weapons

Any person who displays an offensive weapon in a public area or publicly restricted area commits an offence.

Felony - liable to 2 years maximum imprisonment, $4,000 maximum fine, and asset forfeiture.

Key Difference:
Instead of "public setting," the wording is changed to "public area or publicly restricted area" resulting in members of the public being able to visibly show offensive weapons from secure private properties.

Citizens will be able to vote for one of the following options:

  • Change the law to the new wording
  • Do not change the law to the new wording
Motion #15

Law Reform - 9.1 & 9.2 Physical Assault and Physical Assault with an Offensive Weapon

Law 9.1 is currently:

9.1 Physical Assault

Any person who applies or causes reckless injury to another person commits an offence.

Proposed Change:

9.1 Physical Assault

Any person who intentionally or recklessly causes another person to suffer or apprehend immediate unlawful violence commits an offence.

Law 9.2 is currently:

9.2 Physical Assault with an Offensive Weapon

Any person who applies or causes reckless injury to another person with any type of offensive weapon as defined in law 7.3, that is likely to cause great bodily injury commits an offence.

Proposed Change:

9.2 Physical Assault with an Offensive Weapon

Any person who intentionally or recklessly causes another person to suffer or apprehend immediate unlawful violence with an offensive weapon commits an offence.

Key Differences:
The new wording expands the law to include attempted violence.

Citizens will be able to vote for one of the following options:

  • Change the laws to the new wording
  • Do not change the laws
Motion #16

Law Reform - 11.12 Theft of a Vehicle

This motion proposes that the following law is added:

11.12 Theft of a Vehicle

Any person who steals, takes, or uses a vehicle without the owner’s consent or lawful authority, or knowingly drives or rides in a stolen vehicle, commits an offence.

Felony - liable to 6 years maximum imprisonment, $5,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Citizens will be able to vote for one of the following options:

  • Add this law as it is written
  • Add this law, but exempt passengers from committing an offence under this law
  • Do not add this law