Key People in Paralake City

Paralake Managers

Paralake Managers are responsbile for the general management of the Paralake Officials and Paralake City Website. They ensure that decisions made by the officials will not cause problems in the community.

This role is in the following user groups:

  • Paralake Officials

This role has the following permissions on

  • Motion: Edit
  • Motion: Publish
  • Legislation: Edit
  • Legislation: Approve
  • Legislation: Reject

Paralake Clerks

Paralake Clerks are responsbile for writing up suggested changes to the Paralake Penal Code.

This role is in the following user groups:

  • Paralake Officials
  • Paralake Clerks

This role has the following permissions on

  • Motion: Edit
  • Legislation: Edit

Paralake Junior Clerks

Paralake Clerks are responsbile for writing up suggested changes to the Paralake Penal Code.

This role is in the following user groups:

  • Paralake Officials
  • Paralake Clerks

This role has the following permissions on

  • Legislation: Edit

Police Department Chiefs

The Police Department is responsible for enforcing law and order in the city. The PD chiefs manage the department, and have overall responsibility for promotions, policies and discipline. More information can be found on

The Police Department Chiefs gain no automatic permissions on

Fire Department Chiefs

The Fire Department is responsible for extinguishing fires and performing basic first aid. The FD chiefs are the most experienced members of the department, but have no direct responsibilities. More information can be found on

The Fire Department Chiefs gain no automatic permissions on

Emergency Medical Services Chiefs

The Emergency Medical Services are responsible for providing full medical assistance to those in need. The EMS chiefs are the most experienced members of the department, but have no direct responsibilities. More information can be found on

The Emergency Medical Services Chiefs Chiefs gain no automatic permissions on