Motion #5

Law Reform - Collisions

Law 12.8 is currently:

12.8 Collisions

Drivers involved in a collision with any person or object must stop at the scene of the incident and inform the police of the incident.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine.

This motion proposes that Law 12.8 is changed to:

12.8 Collisions

Drivers involved in a collision with any person or object must stop at the scene of the incident and inform the emergency services of the incident. Any person deemed responsible for causing a collision by a law enforcement officer, is responsible for paying for the repairs of any damaged caused, if requested by other parties. Imprisonment is only a possible punishment at collisions that have caused injury to other parties.

Misdemeanor - liable to $2,500 maximum fine and 3 years maximum imprisonment.


Rank Option Votes Share Visual
#1 Change the law to the new wording 35 63.6%
#2 Do not change the law 20 36.4%
Total - 55 100% -